Workshop on Git and Bash

The session was led by Yash Khairnar, Om Mahale, and Mahesh Gaikwad who shared valuable insights and real-world examples of git-hub. During the lecture, we delved into the importance of git and bash scripting in today’s digital world. The speaker discussed various techniques and tools used in git hub handling, such as how to create a repository, how to store your code in it, and also how multitasking is done by using the repository. We also learned about how the fork is used in the repository. Forkis the way to change the data in the repository without any permission.

In conclusion, the session about the git hub was very interesting, this lecture was interactive, allowing us to ask questions and discuss case studies related to the repository and its multitasking. It gave us a deeper understanding of how the work is done by many people from different locations to access the same project that they are working on. Overall, it was an enriching experience that broadened our knowledge and increased our interest in the field of git hub and its learning. Winners of the event are decided based on their code uploading on the git repository. Those who are the winners get a prize worth 500 rupees in the form of Udemy course.