A Seminar on Hybrid Mobile App Development

A Seminar on Hybrid Mobile App Development was organized by Information Technology Department on 21 August, 2018 in IT Block. The seminar focused on creating awareness among the students about Microsoft Virtual Academy Certification for Open Source Mobile App Development. It was attended by SE and TE students from Information Technology (Total attendees-116).

Mr Manish Singh of ATS InfoTech, which is an authorized training partner of Microsoft USA, interacted with IT students. He emphasized how this course would teach students to develop applications for mobile devices with the help of HTML5, CSS3, and Java Script and third party App converters like Cordova and PhoneGap. The benefits of student’s participation in such certification programs are that they help students to acquire Microsoft Certification Vouchers on discounted price as well as E-Learning Material for future study reference.

The program was overseen by the Head of Information Technology Department, Dr. Vinayak Bharadi along with Prof. Atiya Kazi as the Department Coordinator. All the students from SE and TE were in full attendance and gained a lot of knowledge about the latest trends in IT sector and how such certifications will give a boost to their skill set. The students have expressed a vivid interest in attending such seminars in future.